Online dating is commonplace these days. But it is not the easiest thing in the world, so today I’m going to share two techniques that will transform your internet dating experience.

  • Ask one question at a time.

When I was in fashion sales and marketing industries many years ago, my mentor sent me an email teaching me how to qualify the customer:

When you see the customer is looking at something more closely, you ask, “What size do you wear?” Don’t ask “What color and what size would you like?” because if you ask 2 questions at the same time, the customer will probably answer 1 question only and then you’ll have to ask the other question again – now you sound pushy. Therefore, you should only ask 1 question at a time. The reason you need to find out what size/color the customer prefers is because you should quickly figure out what this customer will probably purchase.

When the customer looks a bit interested in something, don’t ask, “Would you like to try this on?” because the customer might say, “No” and now it’s game over already. Instead, you say, “The fitting room is just here” – now the customer is more likely to walk into the fitting room directly (yes, an effective sales process is a bit like hypnosis – you direct & the customer follows your direction). Physiology leads psychology: When the customer’s behavior is closer to purchasing our products, it means you are more likely to close the sale soon. Remember: your attitude is helpful and friendly, but your actual approach is aggressive and tactful. (In actuality, I’m probably the most pushy/persistent person in the world, and some customers actually know I’ve talked them into this, but they still like it because of my helpful and friendly attitude.)

After the customer has entered the fitting room, within 5 minutes, you immediately find a few alternative products that the customer might be interested in based on the information that you’ve collected from the customer, and then you go to the fitting room and ask, “How’s the white shirt?” The customer might say, “It’s too big/small”. Now you say, “I’m going to find a smaller/bigger size for you. By the way, here are a few similar styles that you might want to try on as well. I can show you some alternatives if you don’t mind.” The reason you show the customer additional products in the fitting room is because the customer is already in the fitting room – he is very likely to say yes to your suggestion (if the customer has already walked out of the fitting room, he probably doesn’t want to go back to the fitting room again). Most of the time, selling add-on products actually happens in the fitting room! Please remember that add-on products can come from any of our four brands.

Clearly, when you are on an online dating website, you should ask 1 question at a time as well. But when the lady asks you multiple questions in one message, you don’t need to answer all of her questions. Now she is more curious about you. ?

online dating

  • How to use trance words and influence the outcome:

My mentor in the fashion sales and marketing industry sent me another email about trance words, which is very helpful:

Use trance words (words that customers use unconsciously and are important to them).

Example: A customer arrives at one of our brands. After qualifying the customer, I’ve noticed that she mentions “looking for a brown jumper for a traditional man”. Her trance word is “traditional”. Therefore, I recommend an XYZ jumper to her, “Actually, XYZ has what you are looking for. Let me show you… See, this XYZ jumper is 100% extra fine Australian merino wool, the color is brown, crew neck – very traditional, size is Large, and it’s 25% off. This is exactly what you are looking for.” She still goes to a competitor’s brand for another look because she knows that competitor’s brand well, but she comes back to XYZ quickly and purchases the XYZ jumper and then goes to ABC brand to thank me.

Now when you implement this idea in online dating, you can mention the lady’s trance words while chatting with her. I’m sure she will like you more as a result. ?

“If the word ‘romantic’ is important to a lady, be sure to say ‘romantic’ more often in your conversations with the lady.”