Do you have a “when I’m married” to-do list? Do you save things for “someday” when you are married? If you are a single guy reading this blog post, I’d like to encourage you to enjoy life right now! ?

  • When you enjoy your single status, you will attract true love faster.

Before you join a reliable international dating website like, please appreciate your single life – you have the freedom and a large amount of time for yourself now. ?

Don’t mentally save many things “until you get married” (for those are things that you thought you should share with a woman). Look, you are enough on your own to savor them now. And you don’t have to wait for someone special or a married life to do anything. You are already good enough to enjoy life.

Have you tried travelling alone? Do it now. Since the vaccine has been found, it’s going to be easier if you decide to travel. Keen to visit Denmark? Go there when the pandemic is over. Want to go to New Zealand? The post-COVID world will give you the opportunity soon.

The key is to enjoy the days before meeting somebody just as much as the days after meeting somebody.

Sleep in when you want to. Do what you enjoy. Live your life fully. Save absolutely nothing for “someday when…”. Go to your favorite restaurant today.

international dating

international dating

  • Why women are attracted to confident men:

I know this sounds like a cliché – women like confident men. It’s so corny. But this concept is very important & please let me explain.

Being confident isn’t just about having good social skills. Yes, having outstanding social skills is paramount because your social skills will help you meet more women and interact with them effectively. But women aren’t attracted to social skills. Here is why:

Social skills are just like the trailer of a movie; your lifestyle is the actual movie. If the trailer of a movie is excellent, people will want to see the movie. However, if the actual movie itself is not great, people will be disappointed.

Another way to look at this: Social skills are the marketing; your lifestyle is the actual product. If the marketing is done well, people will pay attention to what you want to sell. Nevertheless, if the actual product itself is bad, people will not buy this product.

Now you’ve got the gist: social skills can only help you to some degree; what really matters is your lifestyle. Do you have a wonderful lifestyle that you are proud of as a single guy? If your lifestyle is phenomenal, then women will want to be a part of your lifestyle. That is the real reason why women like you.

In conclusion, true confidence comes from two things:

  1. An exciting lifestyle that you are very proud of;
  2. Fantastic social skills.

You need both because fantastic social skills only give you external confidence & your amazing lifestyle gives you internal confidence. That’s how to be a really confident man that ladies like.

If you think this is something new, you may want to get started by proactively building an interesting lifestyle full of activities that you truly enjoy – maybe you want to start your own business, cultivate new hobbies, go to Europe and / or learn a foreign language. Prepare some plans to make those things come true. Then you can learn social skills to promote your lifestyle, thereby attracting women.

If you keep reading this blog, you will certainly learn many useful social skills. Why not watch this space?

“This blog teaches you many aspects of international dating, including how to use online dating sites to meet Russian women and Ukrainian women, how to prepare for the 1st date properly, how to have engaging conversations with women and how to build a sustainable and healthy relationship.”