Relationships aren’t simple. Consequently, nobody can offer a simple strategy that solves all your problems in dating and relationships. Nonetheless, I’ve summarized a few important lessons based on my observation and experience in international dating.

  • Personality is just as important as attraction.

Romantic novels have told you that if dating is not leaving you completely breathless and making your heart do back flips every single day, this relationship is probably wrong.

Yes, passion is paramount. Yet oftentimes people put attraction above character. As I see it, you can’t ignore the long-term virtues of the woman you are dating.

Is she loyal to you? Does she bring generosity to your world? Is she kind? Is she good at doing what she says? Does she encourage you? Or does she put her needs above you and bring issues & complaints all the time?

Don’t forget that personality and attraction are equally important. If you aren’t dating the right person, then it doesn’t matter how intense the chemistry actually is right now – it’s not going to be sustainable in the long run.

If you would like to refer to the hard-won wisdom in this article in the future, you might want to bookmark this blog post and return to it at any time when you need to. I hope this will remind you of the importance of personality/character when you are looking for a partner in the international dating world. Basically, you would be well-advised to value personality as much as you value attraction. Always remember this basic principle when it comes to dating & relationships. 😊

  • Who you chat with VS Who you actually invest in:

The majority of the single population are quite dismissive in terms of who they meet; when they find someone they like, they invest in this person too quickly. That is to say, most single people are choosy at the wrong time.

In my opinion, the best way to approach international dating is the complete opposite – you should meet a large number of candidates first, and you become choosy about whom you invest in (whom you give your energy, emotion and time to).

Remember: You should be very open about whom you chat with online. However, you must be really selective about whom you really invest in. In this way, you have more options to start with, and then you can evaluate who is the right person for you. After that, you decide to give that person your emotion and time. I’m sure this principle is worth keeping, so you might want to write it down in your journal. 😉

 “If you keep reading this blog, you will be able to get out of your dating rut, find your true confidence and meet the right woman who will bring you love, joy & happiness.”