“I’ve had 6 relationships. Now I’m back to the dating scene in my late 40s,” says Eric, “I think I should probably have a break before start dating again.” Indeed, Eric broke up with his ex-girlfriend last month and now it’s still too early for him to go back to the dating department officially. Although technically, Eric is back to the dating space again, realistically, he obviously needs a break from dating and relationships

  • Recognize when you need a break.

Goals and progress are amazing. However, you need to realize when you actually need a break. Having some rest isn’t stopping or failure; it’s what truly allows you to make more progress

Signs that indicate you need a break from dating: 

  1. You haven’t got over your ex yet. (Time is the best healer.)
  2.  You haven’t learned the lesson from your previous relationship. (It’s better to figure out what went wrong, so that you know what to do in the future).
  3. You don’t feel emotionally ready for a new relationship. (You’d better focus on personal development right now.)
  4. You think having a new relationship after a breakup will make you feel better for now. (Please read a self-help book.)
  5. You don’t know what you want. (It’s time to figure out your standards.)
  6. You feel physically exhausted. (Get more sleep!) 

If you have any of those, you would be well-advised to prioritize self-love before starting to date.

dating and relationships

  • How to take a relationship break:

Dating and relationships aren’t the same thing. Eric needs a break from dating, which is understandable. He has to have some time for himself. In fact, I have asked him to give himself a lot of time so that he can figure out what really makes him happy before he starts dating again.

Sabrina and Frank are in a long-term relationship, but now they need a break in this relationship. They have agreed on what a break means: They can’t date other people. They see each other once a fortnight. The don’t tell family and friends about their break.   

Frank and Sabrina are having a break in their relationship because they would like to attend therapy separately just to figure out what they need in a romantic relationship. Meanwhile, they are ready to learn how to communicate what they want effectively.    

Couples like Frank and Sabrina know that relationships require effort. Most of them are able to maintain happy relationships in the long term.   

Dating and relationships require people to make intelligent effort.”